Pelvic Floor Reconnect

A 12 week online Pelvic Floor Recovery Program


You are powerful, strong and capable of healing!

This may be news to you but I know you are amazing.

I know there’s a confident person behind the leaks that cause anxiety.

I know there’s a person with big ideas as you strut back into work after maternity leave but still healing.

I know there’s someone with dreams as you taxi your teens around.

I know there’s someone who just wants to enjoy life all the way through peri-menopause – menopause and post menopause.




Pelvic Floor issues have created a brew of shock, embarrassment and the disappearance of your identity & self-esteem.  It’s taking up precious headspace.

You don’t deserve this and your experience should not be brushed under the carpet under the guise of “it’s normal”.  You should be given all the options and all the facts so you can make the right choice for your pelvic floor journey. 

Let’s gain back control and give your body the love & care it deserves. Let’s stop pelvic floor issues ruling who you are.  Feel free again.

Pelvic Floor Reconnect is exactly what you’ve been looking for!

Discover delicious ways of moving that can heal your pelvic floor



So many of us experience pelvic floor issues whether that be stress incontinence, urge incontinence, prolapse, pain, problems going to the toilet or frequent infections.  In fact it is thought that 1 in 3 women at any one time experiences some form of pelvic floor problem in their lives.

This means you are not alone.

But it can certainly feel that way.  Often a movement strategy is the last thing people try.  And that’s okay – it’s likely you have not been told about it.  What’s not okay is feeling let down by the health care system and feeling dismissed as you’re left to wait months before getting answers.

The truth is there is no need to be alone or a  bystander in your own recovery.  There are ways to move that can help your pelvic floor and in my movement program Pelvic Floor Reconnect I have developed the BALME method that I have used successfully on all my clients and in my role at the Fire Brigade returning firefighters back to work safely for their pelvic floors. You can find more about the BALME method below.

I want to show you how you can take your pelvic health into your own hands and compliment any medical treatment you maybe getting.  The movements in the program are slow and controlled.  And, there’s no judgement if a move is not right for you – we just modify or change it entirely.

You will discover ways of moving, fall in love with sequences that help with prolapse or help your pelvic floors ability to hold in pee and poop.  You can find release patterns that quieten the pelvic floor and ease pain.

You can become aware of what movements you need to manage symptoms and to keep doing the things you love with the people you love.

Pelvic Floor Reconnect is for you if:

You leak when sneezing, coughing, laughing, jumping, exercising and lifting heavy like your own child
You suddenly feel the urge to go to the toilet but simply cannot hold it
You are done with feeling anxious, old, frustrated, insecure and simply want your confidence & self esteem back
You want to reduce symptoms of prolapse like heaviness, bulging your pressure in your vagina with the possiblity of eliminating them altogether.
You want to reconnect your body before or after surgery for better recovery.

You, if you want to overrule the narrative that pelvic floor issues are an inevitable part of aging.

You want to enjoy your day without having to map out your toilet stops

You want to learn how to move and trust your body in a way that nourishes it.

You want to be active with your children and be present with them.
You want pelvic floor exercises that are not boring. A whole body approach which can make your whole being feel good not just your pelvic floor.
You want to go through this journey with others and be part of a community who want to support you.

If you want a movement program that focuses on recovery not “bouncing back” sucumbing to the pressures society puts on us.

You, if you’re ready to fall in love with your powerful body.


If I said you have some control, that there’s another option besides “living with it” or surgery. That YOU CAN do something to help heal yourself. What would you say? Would you want to know more?

If you would like to pay in instalments please contact Gemma

Hi, I’m Gemma

I’m a pre & postnatal exercise specialist and the creator of Pelvic Floor Reconnect.

I want to show you how it’s possible to move in a way that makes your pelvic floor happy.

I know first hand that changes to your body after being pregnant, birth or even 10-20 years postnatal can be overwhelming. The peri-menopause & menopause may also have changed the way your pelvic floor feels and works.

These changes are just that – change.  I want you to ditch language such as damaged or broken.  These suggest permanency and a belief we cannot heal. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Our body is made up of tissue and cells, all of which respond to input.  That input can be exercise, load and movement.  This means you can learn ways to challenge and move your pelvic floor to promote healing.

I became disheartened, emotional and quite frankly angry when options for my pelvic floor injury where dealt to me flippantly without compassion.

It’s normal, they said.

Learn to live with it, it’s not that bad, they said

Have surgery, it’s the only other thing you can do, they said

I chose surgery… why? Because I was given no other option.

I was in a ward with many other women.  Not one of us was treated with grace.  It was a ship them in, ship them out mentality.  Only one nurse held and stroked my hand throughout the tugging and cutting, telling me it would be okay.

Other problems arose after surgery.  My vagina did not feel good, it felt tight (not a fun thing contrary to popular belief), unstable and weak.

My post-op care involved “kegels” that was it.  Booted out the door without even a leaflet.

Having pelvic floor issues is lonely, it makes you feel old and worn out.

I know it’s a cliche but it was after a trip to the trampoline park that I woke up to the fact that this was unacceptable.

I was fed up with making excuses to my kids.  I was struggling with my role as fitness advisor to the fire brigade. I was caught up in societies toxic message to get your body back.

What BS we have been fed and are still being fed!

What we need to be told is that our bodies are friggin’ awesome and deserve to be treated as such.

I deserved real information and real care.  It’s time to STOP normalising what’s not normal!

So, I used my postnatal knowledge and delved into the world of pelvic floor.

I now trust my pelvic floor, I am proud that I have come through that part of my life, and l love being able to move with my kids unabashed, developing a movement rich lifestyle I hope they will take into adulthood.

I have long since shared my knowledge with the fire brigade and help many returning to work after being pregnant and through to retirement.

Now I want to share my knowledge with you, guide you through the process, empower you to trust your body and join a community of like-minded people so you no longer feel on your own.

What is the B.A.L.M.E method?

B - Breathing

The breath is everything. It is how manage pressure in the body and stabilise as we move.  How we breathe affects our pelvic floor not to mention our precious pelvic organs whose wellness keeps life delicious. I’m talking your bladder, vagina, uterus and rectum. Our head & heart can’t do anything meaningful if these are not happy and how we breathe is the beginning of the story.

A - Alignment & Posture

Here we look at at how we position our body. How we stand, sit and move creates an environment that is either beneficial or detrimental to pelvic floor health. Our breathing muscle is attached to our ribs and our pelvic floor is inside the pelvis. These two muscles work together. To do that effectively they need to be aligned with each other.

L - Lengthening & Release

For our muscles to work to their full potential they need their full range of motion.  So we need to lengthen muscles to prepare for strength.  And our pelvic floor needs to relax and release to eliminate painful symptoms of tightness.

M - Mobilise & Strength

Having mobile muscles including your pelvic floor means they can adapt to any situation and hold strong.  And this is when strength comes into play where we can challenge the core and pelvic floor to be robust in daily life activities and the movements you enjoy.

E - Education

I love a little bit of knowledge and I believe that if you know the why and how your movements affect pelvic floor health then you are more likely to stick to the program and sequences given.

If you would like to pay in instalments please contact Gemma

Kind Words

How Does Pelvic Floor Reconnect Work?

Pelvic Floor Reconnect is a BALME for your pelvic floor.  You know, you put lip balm on your lips to nourish them? Now there’s a balm for your other lips! Cheeky.  But this balm is different. The BALME method looks at your Breathing, Alignment, Lengthening & Release of muscles, Mobilisation & Strength of muscles and a little bit of Education.  It is a whole body approach.

Although, we discuss how to do isolated pelvic floor exercises (kegels) it is a very small part of the story.

Pelvic Floor Reconnect is a 12 week online recovery program. It’s also a journey of discovery about your body.
Pelvic Floor Reconnect gives you ideas of how you can incorporate the moves into your daily life.  This is key as we only do rehab / exercise for around 30 mins a day.  So the other 23 hours and 30 mins is important.
For this reason there is a whole module on adapting your daily life for pelvic floor health. Suggestions are made where you can fit other exercises into your schedule so they don’t take up more time.
The course is designed so you can keep going back to modules.  You need to know this isn’t a 12 week quick fix.  Yes, it will take 12 weeks to go through all of the content BUT the moves are for you to incorporate into your daily life for LIFE.

ALERT, by doing this course it is likely that you will:

No longer have to worry where the next toilet is – because you can hold it
No more pads (goodbye tena lady)
Even banish pain elsewhere in your body
Your insides are no longer HEAVY
No panics over sneezing, coughing, laughing or just bending
Get back to the fun of life – the activity your love, seeing friends, trying new things! Getting back to you without underlying anxiety.
Play unashamedly with your children
Realise that nothing is forever and your body can heal.

Regain your self-esteem, know your worth & delve into delicious movement that makes your whole body feel strong


You don’t have to sit back in fear wondering what on earth you can do.  Many of us feel left out to dry after a diagnosis but there are ways you can care for your body, get to know it and manage symptoms

If you would like to pay in instalments please contact Gemma

The Pelvic Floor Reconnect Modules

Pelvic Floor Reconnect follows the BALME method.  This method has been developed by Gemma after successfully helping many women. It is a method that really is a BALME for your pelvic floor.  BALME stands for B – breathing, A – alignment & posture, L – lengthen and release, M – mobilisation & strength and finally E – a little bit of education.  You can find more details on the BALME method by clicking here. 

1. Introduction & Tool Box

This section is to get you ready for the weeks ahead.  There are worksheets that you may find helpful for your journey ahead.  There’s an equipment list and an ideas worksheet of how to fit the exercises into your day and some education on how Pelvic Floor Reconnect works.

2. Week 1: All about the breath
The breath is everything. It is how manage pressure in the body and stabilise as we move.  How we breathe affects our pelvic floor not to mention our precious pelvic organs whose wellness keeps life delicious. I’m talking your bladder, vagina, uterus and rectum. Our head & heart can’t do anything meaningful if these are not happy and how we breathe is the beginning of the story.
3. Week 2: Staying Aligned & Moving the ribs
Here we look at at how we position our body. How we stand, sit and move creates an environment that is either beneficial or detrimental to pelvic floor health. Our breathing muscle is attached to our ribs and our pelvic floor is inside the pelvis. These two muscles work together. To do that effectively they need to be aligned with each other.
4. Week 3: Working out your strategy
During this week we really hone in on what your current breathing strategy is and look into some different practices you can  try that benefits pelvic floor health.
5. Week 4: Pelvic Floor
You can’t have a pelvic floor program without a whole module on it.  The pelvic floor is the coolest muscle! It just needs some TLC. Muscles are reflexive, supple and responsive. Here we look at how to do a pelvic floor exercise (kegels) and how to really connect to that muscle.  We look at how your posture makes a difference, how the breath works and when isolated pelvic floor exercises are not for you.
6. Week 5: Every vagina needs a good foundation
Your foundations are your feet. They absorb impact from the ground. This force travels up the leg and into the pelvis. So our feet need to be strong and this is the focus in this module.
7. Week 6: Shaking out the pelvis
Our pelvis is where the pelvic floor and the pelvic organs live. All the muscles, tendons, ligaments and other soft tissue here really does well when it is mobile and flexible.  This is why mobilising the pelvis is integral to pelvic floor happiness.  This is a fun module with a lot of pelvic wiggling all aimed at becoming more mobile in this area.
8. Week 7: Does my bum look b...
I sure hope you knew I was finishing that sentence with booticlicious. Cos that’s what this week is all about. Your bum muscles and how fabulous they are a big player in how your pelvic floor works.
9: Week 8: Hip Hip Hooray
Just like the booty the hips have a job to do. The hip muscles are so intricately linked with the pelvic floor that some are classed as pelvic floor muscles. The hips stabilise us as we move about. They also help us balance on one leg – we do this everytime we walk. If the hips are not turning up to the party the pelvic floor takes over the job of stabilising. This makes it tired and not so good at doing it’s other job which is holding on wee, poo and our pelvic organs.
10: Week 9: Core! Look at them moves
All of the weeks integrate core control.  But in this week we really start to challenge how the pelvic floor and core works together.
11. Week 10: Twist & Shout
Rotation of the body is so important to the body.  It helps our breathing muscle work better, our posture and can even move the joints of the pelvis all of which are key to pelvic floor function.
12: Week 11: What's holding you back?
You might be finding that you are doing all the moves & grooves but your pelvic floor just can’t help but give up the game. Let’s remind ourselves that the whole body is connected and that it’s one thing to ask the pelvic floor to relax and lengthen but what if other areas of your body and indeed life are just not getting the message. If you are stressed and holding tension elsewhere there is a big chance this will filter down to the pelvic floor. So in this week we look at other areas of tension in the body that could be holding your recovery back.
13: Week 12: What's next?
In this module we look at how to make all the exercises you have learnt more challenging.  We add weight, load and combine moves.
14: Daily Life Module
This is a module you can dip in and out of.  It gives you lots of ideas of how you can modify your movements in daily life to optimise pelvic floor health. We look at sleep, going to the toilet, lifting and so much more.
15. Bonus module: Interview with Pelvic Floor Physio Katy Whitmore
A fantastic interview with pelvic floor physiotherapist Katy Whitmore.  Katy tells us why it’s so important to see a physio and what to expect when you get to your appointment.

If you would like to pay in instalments please contact Gemma

Bonus Interview


A bonus module: Introducing Katy Whitmore “The Wellness Woman”

Katy is a trusted women’s health physiotherapist and has a passion to support women through the many changes that life’s journey brings.

Katy shares her expertise and tells us exactly what a women’s health physio does and why it is so important to be assessed.  She dispels myths and worries about going to a women’s health physio.

It’s a fascinating interview and Katy provides invaluable information on how you can get your own WHP.

You might even end up connecting with Katy as she is so approachable.

What Else Do You Get With Pelvic Floor Reconnect?

Each week comes with a PDF worksheet for you to print and keep so you can follow the program even when the wifi goes down (no excuses)
You will also receive a fantastic interview with Katy Whitmore – The Wellness Woman. Katy is a Pelvic Floor physiotherapist. She goes through exactly what a PFPT can do, what to expect at an appointment and why it’s so important to know your bits from the inside out!
At the end of each week there is a “do with me” workout. This gives you the choice to either do your exercises as a workout or do them individually and slot them into your daily life.
100% support throughout. We do not expect you to do this on your own. NO WAY! All you have to do is join the private facebook group and Gemma your tutor will be there to answer questions or talk about a particular topic and help you troubleshoot.

If you would like to pay in instalments please contact Gemma

What Pelvic Floor Reconnect is NOT

A traditional squeeze and release exercise program & there’s no suck in that tum terminology.
This is NOT a “get your body back” weight loss program. Your body deserves more nourishment than that. The movements in Pelvic Floor Reconnect are slow and controlled. Losing weight is not the aim of the game. A body that has healed and become more functional is. You will find you are stronger and more mobile as your body reconnects. This means you are more likely to return to activities you love safely.
This is NOT a quick fix. The movements will possibly be undoing a lifetime of habits and alignment issues. So, don’t expect fairy dust. You need to put the work in to get results. Let me say that again, you need to put the work in, you need to commit to doing the movements most days of the week to get results. However, to make it as easy as possible most movements take less than 5 minutes and you can do them whilst doing other tasks like brushing your teeth, having a shower, waiting for the kettle to boil or your friend to turn up.


How is this course delivered?
This course is online. You will receive full support from Gemma through a private / closed facebook support group. Only women are in this group. This support is there for you no matter how long you take to complete the course.
How much time do I need to complete the course?
This completely depends on your body and where your body is at. So, it will be different for everyone. However, the course is designed to be 12 weeks long. But there maybe some weeks where you will want to spend more time on the exercises.  That’s absolutely fine. It’s why you have lifetime access.
How much is Pelvic Floor Reconnect?
The cost of the course is £127.
Can I pay in instalments?

Yes you can. You can pay for Pelvic Floor Reconnect in 2 instalments. However, due to the limitations of the software please contact Gemma on so we can arrange payment.

How long are the videos?
Most videos are between 2 and 10 mins long so you can digest the content quickly.  However, some concepts take longer to explain but they are no longer than 20 minutes.  The workouts are between 20- 30 minutes long but you can stop them whenever it suits you.
How long should I spend on each exercise?
On average you should spend 10 – 30 minutes doing the weeks exercises. However, this is purely dependent on what your body needs and you should do what feels good to you.  However, lots of the exercises you can do whilst you carry out other daily chores or whilst you are at work. I’m a big believer in combining tasks so they don’t take up more time.
What do I need to wear to do the exercises?
Ideally you should wear comfortable clothing THAT YOU CAN MOVE IN. There is no point in wearing a tight pair of jeans or even leggings that restricts the movement of your body. A good gauge is to see how the movements feel when wearing as little clothes as possible and then choose clothes that allow you the same or a similar amount of freedom – as I guess you don’t want to spring around in your undies if you do this in the park or gym

This also goes for support bras or sports bras, sometimes these can restrict your breathing as they do not allow the ribcage to move. So, aim for something that feel comfortable but not restrictive.

What footwear should I wear?
Ideally barefoot but if you are in a gym or outside then I recognise that this may not be comfortable for you so go with a pair of trainers that are as barefoot / flat as possible. If you have always worn supportive trainers (ones with cushioning) or have always worn shoes with a heel then you may need some time to transition into a flatter shoe.
What equipment will I need?
You will find all information about this in the introductory section. I have designed this course so you can use normal house hold objects as your equipment.  But sometimes having the equipment is best.  Make sure you sign up quickly to get your free kit bag.
When can I start my course?
You can start the course as soon as you sign up. However, there will be an official start date when the group starts together. This will be detailed in the information provided to you. It is normally 1-2 weeks after cart closing  which gives you time to prepare and identify times when you will watch the videos. You will also need to have completed the online health questionnaire. If you are newly postnatal you will need to have had your postnatal health check with your GP (normally 6-8 weeks for vaginal delivery or 12 weeks for C-Section).
Can anyone do the course?
You cannot do this course if you are pregnant. Other than that as long as you complete the health questionnaire which will be sent to you after sign up and you have had a 6 week postnatal check (12 weeks for caesarean section) you are good to go.
What if I want to cancel my course?
You will have 30 days to cancel your course and get your money back. We understand that you might change your mind or feel that this was not what you were looking for.
What's expected of you
• Patience. This is not a quick fire, pound it hard program by any stretch of the imagination. I am not going to goad you with promises of fast results. In this program we are undoing changes that have happened over a course of 9 months and for some we will be challenging you to undo habits of a lifetime. This. Takes. Time. You may indeed feel the results after just a couple of weeks. This has happened but it’s not always the case so be patient.

• Do the movements in sequence. There are big reasons why this program has been put together how it is. And that’s to get the best results possible.

• Do the Work. Do the Work. Do the work. That doesn’t sound very supportive does it? But what I’m trying to say is that you need to give yourself permission to take out a few minutes of your day for YOUR self-care. Caring for yourself and making sure you are tiptop means that when you go back to your family, they get the best of you and that is the most fantastic gift you can give.

• Oh and did I say do the work? – if you only get down and do this once a month. You will not get results. The exercises are designed so you can do them whilst doing other things like brushing your teeth, washing up, even rocking the baby so it doesn’t have to mean taking 30 mins out of your day.

• If you have any questions regarding Pelvic Floor Reconnect then please feel free to use the contact me form which you can find in the contact me section or go to the FAQ section where your question may already be answered.

Can I spare the time?
I hear you!! You ‘re hesitating to do a recovery program because you’re a mum, a carer, have a full time job – there’s the issue of time. Life is fast paced and whatever responsibilities you have mind, body and soul is challenged. Generation Move knows this, I’ve been there and still struggle with finding time!

But in my experience, to care for others, you need to care for yourself. And who has time for Hospital appointments, surgery and standing back in the wings – let’s swap that out!

You need to feel good. Because that goodness, that vibrancy is contagious. Your kids will look at you and think wow that’s my fun mum, she’s crazy, she plays, she moves, she’s strong, she IS Mum!

What support do I get?
As you receive lifetime access to the course you will get lifetime support or for as long as the course is available.

If you would like to pay in instalments please contact Gemma

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